Disability Services

Welcome to the North Arkansas College Office of Disability Services (DS).  北园致力于为每个学生提供平等的机会和平等的教育机会所需的支持.  如果一个学生有残疾,这可能会影响他的学业, accommodations may be requested by contacting the disability coordinator.  The student must request accommodations to receive accommodations.  残疾协调员专门为学生制定住宿计划.  All services comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and subsequent state and federal legislation.

  • 卫生间、教室和公共区域的闪光灯一听到警报声就会启动
  • 布拉德利学生中心和先锋馆之间的轮椅升降机
  • 由于丘陵地形,三层商业建筑的每一层都有一层出口.
  • Door assists on most outdoor exits and designated restrooms
  • Brailed room numbers
  • Ample designated parking including lift van accessible spaces
  • Curb cuts at entrances
  • Wheelchair height water fountains and sinks
  • Wheelchair height computer desks
  • Reduced distraction testing room


要求住宿的学生应在需要住宿前至少两周填写在线残疾服务学生入学表.  这为完成流程留出了时间,并确保住宿到位,以最大限度地取得成功.  If the student would prefer a paper form, 学生可以向残疾服务协调员或咨询中心索取该表格.  任何一方均可要求协助填写表格. 

每个学期都必须申请住宿,因为学生的日程安排每学期都有变化.  Also, accommodations are not retroactive; therefore, 如果学生怀疑可能需要住宿,我们鼓励学生在开学前完成住宿申请流程,或者在学期中尽早完成住宿申请.

残疾服务协调员(DSC)收到残疾服务学生入学表格后,  appropriate documentation will be requested by the DSC, 可能会安排与学生的面谈,讨论适当的住宿和住宿计划. Most disabilities require some sort of documentation.  Examples include letters from doctors, reports or bills that include a diagnosis, and IEPs that include a diagnosis.  After accommodations are agreed upon, 学生完成学生合同,DSC创建住宿信,由要求住宿的学生交给导师.  学生可以选择通过电子邮件或亲自从DSC收到住宿信.  Regardless of the method, 学生有责任将住宿信交给指导老师.  学生应该与老师就住宿信进行面谈,以确保学生和老师都了解住宿以及如何继续上课.  然后,教师完成住宿信的接收并将其提交给DSC.

如果学生认为根据住宿信没有满足住宿要求, then he or she should immediately contact the DSC for assistance.
  • 所有关于学生残疾的记录都受到家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的保护。.
  • 当你转到另一所学院或大学时,残疾记录不会跟随你,也不会与雇主分享.
任何BG真人大游APP的学生,如果认为他或她因残疾而受到歧视或骚扰,或被法律要求的访问或住宿拒绝,可以使用此程序进行投诉. In general, 504/ADA complaints address the following types of concerns:
  • Disagreements or denials regarding requested services, accommodations, or modifications to bg真人游戏注册 practices or requirements
  • Alleged inaccessibility of a bg真人游戏注册 program or activity
  • Alleged harassment or discrimination on the basis of disability
  • Any other alleged violations of the ADA and/or Section 504.
学生可以首先直接与相关的工作人员或教职员工讨论一个问题,以达成一个非正式的解决方案,或者他们可以选择联系DSC寻求帮助. If the student chooses to use the DSC’s assistance, 他/她应在引起学生关注的事件或行为发生后30天内与DSC联系, DSC将在10天内与学生和其他相关方讨论这个问题,努力解决这个问题. DSC将通知学生非正式申诉的结果.
希望启动正式申诉程序的学生应填写反馈论坛表格并遵循 academic or non-academic grievance procedures depending on the nature of the complaint. DSC或其他了解残疾住宿的工作人员将参与有关申诉解决和任何申诉的讨论.

根据1973年《BG真人大游APP》第504条和1990年《BG真人大游APP》(ADA)第二章的要求,BG真人大游APP在其服务中不会因残疾而歧视合格的残疾人, programs, or activities. BG真人大游APP在招聘或雇佣实践中不歧视残疾,并遵守美国劳工部颁布的所有规定.S. Dept. of Education, the U.S. Dept. of Justice, and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
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